Importing Pictures and Videos
video of this class
note: zoom annoyance -- in moving around the little window display
of people during the zoom session, I inadvertently occluded parts of the
video. Sorry! Let me know if you need to see what I was doing at
those points
We started the class by following up on
last week's class,
specifically the 2- and 4- mic/speaker setup for playing
back field-recordings in the landscape. The projects are located
on that class page. We also looked at Tim Kwasny's project from
last year, using a triggered video and Blender-created rocks floating
in the sky.
Next we showed some basic features and operations relatng to importing
media (photos and videos) into Unity. We discussed (briefly)
ways of altering them with lighting, and ways of creating 3-D objects
(with Blender) for use within our Unity scenes.
example projects
-- simple scene with a video embedded in it (from
of the Spring, 2020 G6611 class)
-- the project done using Tim Kwasny's video ideas, making them interactive.
"kwasny" has no sound except for the video soundtrack, "kwasny1" has
ambient sound playback and control included (from
of the Spring, 2020 G6611 class)
video playback
-- the main blender page; downloads, etc.
- older class with Blender links
-- check out especially the "Blender Guru" tutorials. They are
videos about how to use Blender from this semi-annoying
(but good) Australian guy. These are for v. 2.8 of Blender, but
applicable to v. 2.9 (the latest one at this point)
- Blender v 2.9 Tutorials
-- these look very comprehensive for v. 2.9. I have not gone through
them myself yet, though.
Class Downloads