Sound Localization
multiple sources, sampling, live streaming

video of this class

This was a much better class, I think! We took some time at the beginning to go over the use of pd, since [rtcmix~] seems to be working with it on the broadest range of OS/Hardware. I also went over the 'trigger' and 'distance measure' code we touched upon towards the end of last week's class.

Then we built up a demo of a project John Levee suggested: the playback of a remote location using an array of mics. This involved showing how to set up sample, and then live-streaming, playback as well as how to localize each 'mic source' in the scene.


Class Downloads

NOTE: When you open these projects at first, they may not go to the default "SampleScene" (or another default named scene if present). The Unity editor won't show all the objects/terrain/etc. for the project. If this happens, go to your "Assets/Scenes" folder and click on the SampleScene (or other Scene) to load it.