interaction with videos
We made Tim Kwasny's project happen. Fun fun fun! Onur also showed
how to import and work with the 360° camera and videos from it.
- last week's class
-- has a link to a good tutorial about working with videos.
Onur showed how to use the Ricoh Theta S 360° camera. Here are the
links he discussed in class:
- Ricoh Theta S Basic app
-- for converting video files to equirectangular format and live
equirectangular projection driver ("Live-streaming app") - the camera works
without this, but the stream will be in stereoscopic (dual-fisheye)
format (also consider downloading the smartphone app for controlling the
camera remotely)
- Short tutorial on how to import 360 videos
-- includes the inside projection shader code as well
- Camera detection script
-- for live streaming (see link above the code for a video tutorial)
- skybox
-- The skybox method for using 360 images
- Mouse and keyboard control scripts
-- among other scripts (look for MouseCameraControl and KeyboardCameraControl
- More ideas on how to use the Theta camera
See Onur to check out one of the CMC Theta cameras.
Class Downloads
-- Tim's project, with a hidden trigger to play the video.
This also shows how to access and control other game objects
from a script (the flickering effect, turning the 'rock'
game objects on and off rapidly).
The "untitleblastedplanetoidd.blend" blender file for the rock
is included in the Assets for the project if you want to fool
around with it.
-- this is a slightly improved version of Tim's project. It has the
'observermove' script we did in
week5's class
plus it uses the Invoke() method to delay the stop of the ambient
audio for a tigter transition. VR ready too, I think.