ICMC97 Logo

International Computer Music Conference

September 25th-30th 1997




DEADLINE: All music materials submitted must be postmarked by January 10, 1997.

send submissions to:

ICMC '97
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
P.O.Box 308
GR-54006 Thessaloniki

For information, contact:

e-mail: icmc97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr
phone: (GREECE) 30-31-994760
fax: (GREECE) 30-31-207550

(The Music Submission Form should also be used for installation submissions)

ICMC97 invites the submission of a wide variety of computer music. The Music Jury will be seeking music for a range of different performance contexts, so music designed for different listening strategies is certainly welcome. Selected pieces will be included on two compact disks of music from the 1997 ICMC. Many of the performances will be broadcast throughout Greece on the national radio and television network.

We do have several areas where we can offer expanded resources for performance. Each area will be handled as a different submission category:

  • The NEW! IMPROVED! "Listening Room":
    We will be outfitting a central space for the performance of tape works, solo/interactive works, multimedia works and other non-concert-type presentations.
  • The Ensembles - "Concert hall " format:
    ICMC97 has hired four major contemporary Music ensembles specifically for performance of interactive and tape/instrument pieces. Smaller subgroups (and soloists) can also be drawn from each of these ensembles. Submission of new (and existing) works for these instruments is strongly encouraged.
  • The ensembles (and instrumentation) are:
    Ensemble 2e2m:
    saxophone, flute, clarinet, bassoon, trombone, cello, bass, percussion
    Ensemble SurPlus:
    flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, violins(2), viola, cello, bass, piano, percussion, soprano
    Ensemble FA:
    flute, clarinet, horn, trombone, violin, viola, cello, bass, piano, percussion
    Ensemble Theta:
    flute, clarinet, recorder, violin, cello, pianos (2), psaltery (canon), wind instruments [all played by one soloist -- pan flute, ney, double flute, double mantoura, gemshorn, pastoral flute ]

    Each ensemble also has its own conductor, of course.

  • "Ambient Sounds"and "Installations":
    ICMC97 will also be playing continuous music in the main Exhibition Hall, and is soliciting music for installations in the Hall and the lobby of the performance hall next to the Exhibition Hall.
  • The "computer music cabaret":
    We are also seeking music for performance at the ICMC97 Cafe, directly adjacent to the main Exhibition Hall.
  • The "Sonic Movement" installation:
    Concurrent with the ICMC, IPSA will be sponsoring a special installation involving sound synthesis controlled bymovement. Ten Greek choreographers/dancers will be utilizing the installation to create on-going interactive sound works. We invite the submission of interactive sound ideas (movement-sound mapping algorithms, etc.) and systems (MAX patches, etc.) that can be used in this environment.

  • On the Submission Form you are asked to select a preffered category of submission. Think hard about the best way to present your music; an evening concert of contemporary ensemble music is often not the best format for a meditative multi-media piece.

    ICMC 97 Music Submission Form

    Please submit one copy of the form below with each work submitted

    Last Name:

    First Name:


    Mailing Address:



    Postal/Zip Code:





    [non-ICMA members only or ICMA members submitting more than two pieces]
    (note: Fee is waived if ICMA membership form and payment is included with the submission. )

    All fees are payable in Greek Drachmas or US dollars only

    3.525 Greek Drachmas or $15 US for each piece submitted

    Total submission fees _________
    (3.525 drachmas ïr $15 X pieces submitted )

    Materials return fee: _________
    (4.700 Greek Drachmas or $20 X pieces submitted, see conditions)

    TOTAL FEE: _________

    payment: __ VISA __ Check or Money Order
    card number:
    Expiration date:
    Cardholder's name:

    NOTE: All prices have been calculated with the following exchange rate of June 17th 1996:
    US $1=235 Greek Drachmas.


    ICMC97 will be posting (and continuously updating) a list of available technical resources on our web page (http://alexandros.csd.auth.gr/~icmc97/). Please consult this to determine if you will need to make special technical arrangements for your music performance submissions. Although ICMC97 will make every effort to accommodate equipment and performance requests, there is indeed a finite amount of money in the world.

    Because of our commitment to the ICMC97 performance ensembles, we cannot offer support for particular individual performers. If you have special needs or requests, please contact us in advance so that we can attempt to make equitable arrangements. This is not intended to discourage the submission of works written for specific performers, but ICMC97 cannot guarantee any support or payment for these performers.

    All scores, tapes, and special performance equipment must be provided by the composer.

    Composers must obtain permission for use of materials from all organizations holding performance rights for their works.

    Greek National Television as a co-organizer of ICMC 97 reserves the right to broadcast each concert once without payment of fees to the participating composers.

    The composers name should not appear in the body of any written materials submitted (including scores)

    All tapes submitted should be labeled with the title and duration

    Self-addressed mailers and a check or money order with the materials return fee of 4700 Greek Drachmas or $20 should accompany each submission if composers desire mail return of materials.



    -------------- The Music Jury will see the following info ONLY --------------

    1) Title of work:

    2) Year of Composition:
    3) Duration:

    4) Instrumentation

    5) Preffered category/area of submission: (circle only one, see Call for Music)

    1. Listening Room
    2. Concert Hall
    3. Ambient
    4. Installation
    5. Sonic Movement
    6. Computer Music Cabaret

    6) Resources required for performance (circle appropriate equipment)

    7) What is the computer's role in this work?:

    8) Materials included with this submission form (scores, tapes, etc.):

    9) Additional information you feel may help the Jury evaluate this work: