
people doing strange things with electricity
dorkbot-nyc is a monthly meeting of artists (sound/image/movement/whatever), designers, engineers,
students, scientists, and other interested parties from the new york area who are involved in the creative use of
electricity. dorkbot meetings are free and open to the public. Since we started dorkbot-nyc in 2000 many other
dorkbots have sprung up around the world. See them all at: http://sites.music.columbia.edu/dorkbot
the purpose of dorkbot-nyc is to:
- give people doing strange things an opportunity for informal peer review
- establish a forum for the presentation of new
art works/technology/software/hardware
- help establish relationships and foster collaboration between people with various backgrounds and interests
- give us all a chance to see the cool things that our neighbors are
working on
imaginary presentation topics:
- a demo of the new motion tracking software you're writing
- playing a video you made
- an explanation of how you hacked your game boy to get it to make cool bleeping noises
- trouble shooting/brainstorming your remote-controlled sandwich making robot
- bringing in some dancers you're working with and having them demonstrate the interface used in your new mind-control ballet
- discussing your approach to electronic sculpture
demos of commercial software are not appropriate, unless you wrote the
software or you are making it do something particularly novel or
interesting. on the other hand, presenting a piece that was created using
commercial software is fine.
dorkbot-nyc meetings are free and open to the public. space at some
events may be limited, so you are encouraged to rsvp to help us make
adequate arrangements for each event. rsvp at: dorkbotnyc@sites.music.columbia.edu/dorkbot
dorkbot-nyc meetings are coordinated by douglas repetto. the
email address for dorkbot-nyc is: dorkbotnyc at sites.music.columbia.edu/dorkbot.
dorkbot-nyc meetings take place the first wednesday of each month
from 7pm to ???. the dorkbotnyc-announce mailing list is
used to send out meeting announcement reminders and other pertinent information.
please subscribe to the list if
you'd like to receive such information.
dorkbot-nyc meetings have gone mobile. Sometimes we're at the Computer Music Center, sometimes at Location
One in SoHo, sometimes in some other strange place for a one-shot. See the front page for the current month's
Directions to Location One:
Directions to the CMC: we're located next to the lovely hudson river on the edge of harlem and
morningside heights in new york city.
computer music center
prentis hall, 3rd floor
632 w. 125th street
new york, ny 10027
to get to the CMC via subway, just take the 1/9 train to 125th street.
walk 1/2 block on 125th street towards the river. the CMC is on the left
side of the street, in prentis hall. you'll have to be buzzed in. press
the buzzer that says "electronic music."
to get the the CMC via car, take the west side highway and get off on
125th street. then drive around for a few hours looking for a parking
spot. then drive back to where you started and take the subway, following
the directions above.
to attend a dorkbot-nyc meeting, let us know you're coming via email or
just show up and hope there's room.
to give a presentation at a future dorkbot just send an email or talk to douglas at a meeting.
dorkbot presentations are meant to be fun, friendly, informal chats. They're short,
just 20-30 minutes, including questions. The standard "artist talk" format (my life
history in slides + narration) does not work very well at dorkbot. What does work
well is a casual talk about something you're currently interested in. Pretend you're
at a dinner party and someone has just asked you, "so what are you working on?" We
encourage people to ask questions during the presentations, rather than always waiting
until the end. The audience is quite diverse, with a mix of arty/techy/dorky folks, so
presentations with a good balance between why and how tend to work best. You're having
a friendly conversation with some nice, interested people, so enjoy it!
meeting format:
dorkbot-nyc meetings are largely informal, but to save everyone
time and energy a certain amount of planning goes into each meeting.
the current structure is:
- brief intros, announcements, administrative details
- 3 x 20-30 minute presentations
- final comments/debate/etc.
which means that each meeting is about 2 hours long and features three
you are encouraged to provide most of the resources needed for your presentation. however, some CMC equipment will be available for your use. available resources include:
- a mac osx laptop
- a video projector
- a wireless network connection
- a small mixer and powered speakers
all materials on this website copyright 2000-2014 douglas irving repetto
and the individual artists