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people doing strange things with electricity


subscribe to dorkbotnyc-announce.

the dorkbotnyc-announce mailing list is used only for announcements related to dorkbot-nyc meetings.


subscribe to dorkbotnyc-blabber.

dorkbotnyc-blabber mailing list is a forum for electonic artists and other interested parties to discuss issues related to making and presenting their work in the new york city area. it's an extension of the dorkbotnyc meetings, but even if you can't come to the meetings in person you're still welcome to participate on the list.

example topics: where do i get a flame thrower in nyc? what performance space will let me release bats into the audience? is plastic land the cheapest place to get long plastic dowels? which radio shack in manhattan doesn't suck and where can i get capacitors at 3am? how do you get a permit to perform in the subway and is there an AC outlet i can use at the 59th street 1/9 station?

please don't send show announcements/listings/etc to the list. there are already a number of terrific nyc-based events lists for those sorts of things. in particular: and the nonsensenyc mailing list are great for posting your events.

subscribe here.


all materials on this website copyright 2000-2014 douglas irving repetto and the individual artists