RTcmix Documentation

Instrument Design

Instrument - base class for all INSTRUMENTS; list of useful RTcmix vars
Ooscili - wavetable/function table oscillator object
Orand - pseudo-random number generator object
rtaddout - write samples to output
rtgetin - get samples from input
rtsetinput - set up input for reading
rtsetoutput - set up output for writing, schedule note for performance


ELL - elliptical filter instrument
PAN - simple mixing instrument that follows a pan curve
REVERBIT - reverb instrument
REVMIX - instrument that plays input file in reverse
STEREO - instrument that mixes to stereo, with static pan
TRANS - transposing instrument
WAVETABLE - wavetable synthesis instrument

Script commands

addgens - add two function tables to create a new one
bus_config - configure input and output buses for an instrument
copygen - copy a function table, with optional size and interpolation change
fdump - dump a function table to the terminal or to a text file
fplot - plot a function table
gen1 - fill a function table with samples from a sound file
gen10 - make a function with a waveform, composed of harmonic partials
gen17 - make a transfer function using Chebyshev polynomials
gen18 - make a function with straight line segments
gen2 - fill a function table with arbitrary numbers
gen20 - fill a function table with random numbers
gen24 - make a function with straight line segments
gen25 - make a window function
gen3 - fill a function table with numbers from a binary data file
gen4 - make a function from line segments with adjustable curvatures
gen5 - make a function with any number of exponential line segments
gen6 - make a function with straight line segments
gen7 - make a function with any number of straight line segments
gen9 - make a function with a waveform, composed of any partials
get_spray - retrieve an integer from a spray table
infile - open a data file for use with gen2 or gen3
invertgen - invert the values of a function table around their midpoint
irand - return a random number within a specified range
makegen - create a function table
multgens - multiply two function tables to create a new one
offsetgen - add a fixed value to every element of a function table
pickrand - return a random choice from a specified set of numbers
pickwrand - return a weighted random choice from a set of numbers
quantizegen - quantize the elements of a function table
rand - return a random number between -1 and 1
random - return a random number between 0 and 1
reversegen - reverse the order of values in a function table
rtinput - open a sound file or audio device for reading
rtoutput - open a new sound file for writing
rtsetparams - set sampling rate, output channels, etc.
sampfunc - return a value from a function table
sampfunci - return an interpolated value from a function table
scalegen - multiply every element of a function table by a fixed value
set_option - turn on and off various RTcmix options
setexp - create function table 1 with exponential line segments
setline - create function table 1 with straight line segments
setline_size - set the size of tables created by setline and setexp
shiftgen - change the phase of a function table
spray_init - initialize a random integer spray can
srand - seed the random number generator
system - perform any system call

Command-line programs

pchcps - convert frequency to octave.pitch-class
rescale - convert 32-bit float to 16-bit integer sound file
sfcreate - create soundfile header, or change existing one
sffixsize - update soundfile header's idea of sound duration
sfhedit - edit soundfile header
sfprint - print soundfile information