ELL - elliptical filter instrument


First, call ellset to set filter parameters.

For highpass or lowpass filters:

ellset(pbcutoff, sbcutoff, 0, ripple, atten)

For a bandpass filter:

ellset(lopbcutoff, hipbcutoff, sbcutoff, ripple, atten)

Then, call ELL to filter the input sound:

ELL(outskip, inskip, indur, ampmult, ringdowndur [, inchan, stereoloc ])

Function table 1 gives amplitude curve.


ELL implements cascaded IIR filters and a built-in elliptical filter design program. It can create filters with very steep slopes.

ELL uses the curve provided in function table 1 to scale the amplitudes of the input source. Use setline, setexp, or makegen to create function table 1. If this table has not been created, no amplitude scaling (other than that given by ampmult) will occur.

The output of ELL can be either mono or stereo.


For ELL...

p0 (outskip) output start time
p1 (inskip) input start time
p2 (indur) input duration
p3 (ampmult) amplitude multiplier
p4 (ringdowndur) ring-down duration - how long to run the filter after it has consumed all the input
p5 (inchan) input channel [optional, default is 0]
p6 (stereoloc) percent (from 0 to 1) of input signal to place in left output channel [optional, default is 0.5 if output is stereo]


setline, setexp, makegen


Adapted by John Gibson <> from the original Cmix instrument. Thanks to Alistair Riddell and Ross Bencina for eliminating the f2c dependency.