AI/ML approaches to data manipulation
video of this class
After a brief discussion of project ideas, we jumped into the wild
world of Machine Learning and AI. Brad showed a very basic example
of a simple neural net and how it works, and then Nicola showed
some amazing work done with
an ML toolkit for Max/MSP written by Benjamin Day Smith.
If you google "machine learning" or "AI" you will find a blue-billion web sites
with info about these relaively 'hot' topics. Included in the class downloads
below are the patches and code we showed in class, and Nicola has also
collected a set of
Benjamin Day Smith's
(the creator of the ml.* toolkit) writings. If you google "ml star"
you will find additional resources, including a bunch of good tutorials
on how to use the toolkit.
Class Downloads
-- the very simple neural net example/demo I showed in class,
based on refinements to my original patch done by
Daniel Iglesia
-- the ml.* patches Nicola showed in class. These have his
modfications (and fixes!), so they're probably better to use than
the ones directly from the web site.
-- an archive of five articles by Benjamn Day Smith about ml.*
and how it works.