Electronic Music II: Programming and Electronics for Art & Music

Music G6602
Thursday 3-5pm, Room 320H Prentis Hall
Spring 2013
Professor: Douglas Repetto [douglas at music columbia edu]
TA: Natacha Diels [ndd2117 at columbia edu]
Our Motto: "Why and how."
syllabus | schedule

07 February 2013

Programming: Intro to Programming

HERE's a zipped folder of all the sketches from class today.

Assignment: DUE Wednesday Feb 13th

Make something in Processing- try to make something which the outcome is a surprise to you- and let this generate ideas for more projects. Think process-oriented.

Post your code to Courseworks.

REMEMBER - The Processing Help is your best friend (figuratively speaking (if it is actually your best friend come talk to us - we can help)), so it should be open and ready to use at all times!