Electronic Music II: Programming and Electronics for Art & Music

Music G6602
Thursday 3-5pm, Room 320H Prentis Hall
Spring 2013
Professor: Douglas Repetto [douglas at music columbia edu]
TA: Natacha Diels [ndd2117 at columbia edu]
Our Motto: "Why and how."
syllabus | schedule

Big list of process pieces

This is our big collaborative list of algorithmic/process/system-based work. We'll add to it during the course and each day we'll take a look/listen to a couple pieces.

Working with algorithms/systems/processes doesn't imply any particular aesthetic or stylistic bias. The only thing these pieces have in common is their reliance, to varying degrees, on an algorithm, system, or process.

What's the difference between an algorithm, a system, and a process? These are all somewhat interchangable, although here's my informal scheme: an algorithm is a low level, highly specified set of instructions. Computer code tends to be algorithmic. A system is a higher level entity that works as a unit, but that is probably made up of a number of lower level units, or algorithms. A process is a somewhat simple, informal, and usually repetitious algorithm, such as some action done by a human using a written set of instructions.