fplot - plot a function table


fplot(table_number [, pause [, plot_commands ]])


Call fplot from a script to plot a function table to the screen. You can have either a crude ASCII plot or a high-resolution plot created by gnuplot.

NOTE: The fplot functionality for table-handles uses the plottable scorefile command.


The numeric ID of an existing function table.

If this argument is present, use gnuplot to draw the function table with high resolution in a separate window. Display the window for pause seconds. (On platforms using the X Window System, you can dismiss the window before this time elapses by typing 'q'.) Use any integer greater than zero for this argument.

If this argument is not present, draw the function table to stdout (normally the terminal window), using a crude ASCII plot.

Pass commands to gnuplot. These can be any modifiers that gnuplot understands as part of its ``plot'' command. The commands must be enclosed in double quotes. Some useful commands include ``with lines,'' ``with linespoints,'' ``with impulses,'' ``with steps,'' and ``with dots.'' See the gnuplot documentation for others.

If this argument is not present, plot with points.


   makegen(1, 10, 1000, 1)

fills a table with one cycle of a sine wave.


draws the table crudely to the terminal window:

             -/           -\
           -/               -\
         -/                   \
        /                      -\
       /                         \
     -/                           \
    /                              -\
   /                                 \
  /                                   \
                                        \                                     -
                                         \                                   /
                                          \                                 /
                                           -\                              /
                                             \                            /
                                              \                         -/
                                               -\                      /
                                                 \                   -/
                                                  -\               -/
                                                    -\           -/
   fplot(1, 10, "with lines")

calls gnuplot to draw the table with much higher resolution, displaying it in a window for 10 seconds, and connecting the points of the table with straight lines, if necessary.


You can use fplot any number of times in a script; each call to fplot generates a new window (if using gnuplot). Under Mac OS X, this doesn't work, so you can see only the most recent plot.

Under Mac OS X, you must install and configure gnuplot and Aquaterm for high-resolution plotting. Most Linux distributions come with gnuplot already installed.

The pause argument has no effect under Mac OS X -- just put anything there.

If something goes wrong with a gnuplot session, perhaps because of a syntax error, there may be some leftover files in the /tmp directory, with names like ``rtcmix_plot_data_xAb5x8.''


makegen, fdump