fdump - dump a function table to the terminal or to a text file


fdump(table_number [, ``file_name'' ])


Call fdump from a script to display the numbers in a function table or to write them to a text file.

NOTE: The fdump functionality for table-handles uses the dumptable scorefile command.


The numeric ID of an existing function table.

If this argument is present, dump the function table to a text file with the given name. The name must be enclosed in double quotes, and can be a full or relative path name. The file need not exist, but if it does, it will be overwritten.

If this argument is not present, dump the function table to stdout (normally the terminal window).

The dump consists of one line for each element in the table, with the following format.

   <index> <value>

You can feed such a file to gnuplot.


   makegen(1, 20, 10, 0)

creates a table of 10 random numbers.


prints the contents of this table to the terminal window:

   0 0.149719
   1 0.339905
   2 0.003204
   3 0.573181
   4 0.203583
   5 0.379639
   6 0.964508
   7 0.805878
   8 0.541534
   9 0.467102

If we give the optional file name argument...

   fdump(1, "random_numbers")

RTcmix instead will write the same information to a text file called ``random_numbers.''


makegen, fplot