[rtcmix~] for MaxMSP/OSX

64-bit/intel for Max/MSP 7 or 8; July 2020 (rtcmix~ [2.03] (updated) 1/26/22)
M1/rosetta, MaxMSP 8; (rtcmix~ [2.05] 9/9/22)

NOTE: rtcmix~ will not run under Max 8.6; you will need to use Max 8.5 (or earlier). Sorry!


1. Unpack the archive.

2. Move the entire "RTcmix-2.03" or "RTcmix-2.05" folder intact to your "/Users/Shared/Max 7/Library/" or your "/Users/Shared/Max 8/Library/" folder.

NOTE: Max needs to run using 'Rosetta' for rtcmix~ to work. Go to your /Applications folder and find the Max.app. Select (but do not start) the Max.app in the Finder, and then under the "File" menu (top left of the screen), select "Get Info". Be sure that "Open using Rosetta" is checked.

3. Start (or restart) Max/MSP. [rtcmix~] should be working.

NOTE: If you are installing [rtcmix~] on OSX machines running Catalina (10.15.x) or later, you will probably get the TRULY ANNOYING Apple 'gatekeeper' message about the library/application not able to run because it isn't from a 'signed developer'. One of these days I'll wade through the impenetrable documentation about how to do this, but for now you can follow the instructions here to get it going.

Brad Garton
July, 2020