[rtcmix~] on Catalina (10.15.x) or later

If OSX is complaining that the app or library for RTcmix ([rtcmix~]) isn't allowed to run because it isn't from one of their 'signed developers', the following should set the permissions so it can work:
1.  start up a Terminal window (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app)

2.  type in:

      "sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine "

without the quotes (and note the space at the end -- it has to be there)

3. Drag/Drop the RTcmix folder you downloaded** from the Finder into
the Terminal window with the "sudo ..." command typed in.  The result
should be a line in the Terminal window that looks something like this
(for Max/MSP, different for pd):

      sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Users/Shared/Max\ 8/Library/RTcmix-2.03/

4.  Hit <return>, give your password, and hopefully(!) all will be happy.

**(probably RTcmix-2.03/ or RTcmix-2.05/ in the Shared/Max 8/Library/
folder for Max/MSP, or the rtcmix~/ folder in Documents/Pd/externals for pd) 

Brad Garton
July, 2020