PG: SEAMUS 2008 Conference
4/3/2008 -- 4/5/2008

We had sent in a proposal to the 2008 Society of Electroacoustic Musicians-US (SEAMUS) Conference similar to what we have done at other festivals: "hey, we can be the lounge band!" Miguel Chuaqui (the conference director) thought it was a fun idea, so we believed we were all set. We were scheduled to perform for the "President's Reception", but then life intervened. Gregory had work obligations that prevented him from attending. We were so sad! Terry and I decided to soldier on through, however, meet the commitment, stay true, etc. (plus we didn't have any work obligations tethering us). We recorded several pieces in the amazing 2-level hotel room where we stayed, and one long piece done at the reception.

Because there were only two of us, these are much more "ambient" as we had to set in motion processes that could be relatively self-sustaining, allowing us to do the other things necessary for the music. Gregory was sorely missed.

General photos: