*About CMIX hacks*
Few small utilities for CMIX will end up posted here soon, hopefully:
is a simple GUI hack for OSX, which lets drag-and-drop a CMIX score file's icon to the "drop pocket"
on the left hand side, and play it without using the command line interface. It has very limited, rudimentary
functionality so far, but with some extra work it'll grow bigger and better.
Reminiscent of the old-style SGI app for launching command-line programs with file-based input.
Intuitive and plain:
single button action for play, pause, resume (click), and stop (Command+click)
key equivalents:
[space] = play, pause, resume
[return] = stop
Error messages from CMIX get posted in the GUI
Put the app anywhere you want it.
Get the path of your CMIX ecexutable by opening Terminal.app and typing:
which CMIX
- if you have CMIX installed, the shell will return its path
- copy the path to the preferences file "rtcmix.org.DropSco.plist"
- move the preferences file to the ~/Library/Preferences folder.
The other field in the preferences file <ignoreMsg> is there for silencing
a warning message you may find irrelevant for the functioning, such as Clipping, etc...
Have fun!