Web Information: http://alexandros.csd.auth.gr/~icmc97
All Submissions for ICMC 1997 will be Electronic
by Email to papers97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr
If electronic submission is impossible, you may request a paper form by mailing to
ICMC 1997
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
P.O. Box 308
GR-540 06 Thessaloniki
Allow 3 weeks for your request to reach Greece, 3 weeks for the form to return, and 3 weeks for your
completed form to arrive.
All Submissions must be received by January 18th, 1997.
Include the following items, in this order, on your electronic submission.
1) Author Names and electronic contact information, First author first, followed by all other authors, on separate
Cook, Perry prc@cs.princeton.edu
Garton, Brad brad@woof.music.columbia.edu
Rikakis, Thanassis than@woof.music.columbia.edu
Last, First EMail
2) Other contact information for first author only:
3) Submission Type (Please Read "NOTES: New and Different" section below). Choose one of
Long Paper 8 pages in Proceedings 30 minutes oral presentation time
Short Paper 4 pages in Proceedings 20 minutes oral presentation time
Poster 4 pages in Proceedings (Juried: Please Read *"NOTES"* below)
Demo 4 pages in Proceedings (Juried: Please Read *"NOTES"* below)
Studio Report 4 pages in Proceedings (Juried: Please Read *"NOTES"* below)
Presentation (Non-Juried: Please Read *"NOTES"* below)
4) Title of Paper or Project
5) Keywords (5 maximum). These will be used to generate the master index to the proceedings.
6) Content Area. These will be used to help route submissions to the appropriate reviewers.
Select one from below, or denote as Other:YourOwnContentArea
Special Conference Themes, Psychoacoustics:
General Topics:
7) Resources Required for Paper presentation. Choose from this list:
Audio Cassette
Video: VHS: NTSC,PAL,SECAM; Mono; Stereo;
Film: Type:_______
Overhead Projector
Slide Projector
Computer(s): Type and Configuration____________
8) Abstract Describing Paper
This should be 600 words or less for Long Paper Submissions and 450 words or less for Submissions for Short
Papers, Posters, Studio Reports, Demos and Presentations. Do NOT include any references in the abstract, as
the jury and selection process is anonymous. For more information, see the *Submission and Selection Notes*
The ICMC97 organizers are targeting a single track conference, and as such there will be strict limitations on oral
presentation time, as well as the traditional page limitations for publishing the Proceedings. Carefully select your
Submission Category based on the following criteria:
1) Do you really need 8 pages, knowing that when the paper is compared to other long paper submissions it
might not be accepted at all? (see *Submission and Selection Notes* below)
2) Do you really need the extra time to present?
3) Are there other authors, specifically co-workers on large projects, with which you could combine your
submission into a long paper?
4) Would your work be better suited to a demo and/or poster, given the new Exhibition Hall format available at
ICMC 97? (see "Notes on Posters, Demos, Presentations" below)
Please Read Carefully
Your submission should demonstrate SIGNIFICANT new and original work in the area. Paper readers will be
instructed to judge your submission relative to the category (long paper, short paper, etc.) in which you have
submitted. They will be asked to determine if they feel that the described work has been accomplished, if it
represents significant new work, and if they feel that it appropriately matches the submitted category. That is, if
you submit a long paper and it receives a low score from the papers jury, the papers panel will not automatically
recategorize your submission to a short paper and accept it. Short papers are not considered any less important
than long papers, they are just shorter and there will be more of them accepted than long papers. Due to the
number of pages available, your paper will stand a higher likelihood of acceptance for publication if it is submitted
as a short paper or poster.
Posters Demos and Studio Reports will be juried. They will be subjected to the same selection process as all
other submissions for publication. They will be presented in ICMC 97 sponsored Booths at the Exhibition Hall.
Items submitted as Presentations will not be juried. You can submit directly for a Presentation if you don't need
the paper published in the Proceedings. All registered ICMC participants that have submitted a Presentation will
receive time and space for this in the Exhibition Hall. Studios should consider renting a booth. (See Exhibition Hall
Booth Registration Form).
All items displayed in the Exhibition Hall will get wide public exposure, as this area is freely open to the public as
well as to registered ICMC participants.