ICMC97 Logo

International Computer Music Conference

September 25th-30th 1997



The Institute of Psychoacoustic and Music Research (IPSA) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The Institute of Psychoacoustics and Music Research at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (IPSA) is a joint project involving six different Schools and Departments in the University (the Psychology Department, Music Department, Engineering School, Computer Science Department, Medical School, English Language and Linguistics Department). Twelve professors and twenty-five students from the above Departments are currently active in projects of the Institute. IPSA collaborates with a number of foreign Universities and research centers through an extended international exchange program.

Current research projects of the Institute include: Physical modeling of ancient instruments, Music Perception in Alzheimers patients, Music Therapy for deaf children, Control of sound synthesis through movement.

The Institute is housed at the Otolaryngology Clinic of the University Hospital (AHEPA). Research projects at the Institute take advantage of the following facilities:
  • Hearing and Speech Unit - Laboratory of Speech Pathology and Phonology
  • Laboratory of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
  • Laboratory of Electroacoustics and Music Technology
  • Laboratory of Experimental Psychology
  • Multimedia Research Laboratory
  • The Institute emphasizes both artistic creation and research. The central laboratory of the Institute is the Computer Music Lab where original music compositions and original sound synthesis software are produced. The Institute produces three concerts a year featuring music composed at the Lab. Eight composers are currently active at the Lab. The Institute has organized a number of conferences, including the Psychoacoustics Symposium [Athens, 1991]; the Computer Music Conference and Festival [Delphi 1992]; and the recent International Meeting on Physical Modeling [Thessaloniki 1995] which focused on the modeling of recent musico-archaeological finds in Greece. IPSA has also sponsored several international seminars on Psychoacoustics.