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In order to avoid any confusion please address your requests in the following manner:
For ANY request concerning music submissions, concert schedules, performance equipment contact Mr. Laios at: music97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr
For ANY request concerning paper submissions, papers/posters/demos schedule and technical requirements for presentation contact Mr. Alex Bakalakos at papers97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr
For ANY request regarding the ICMC97 WWW and FTP server please contact Mr. Alex Bakalakos at: alex@auth.gr
For ANY request regarding the ICMC97 booths, registration, accomodation AND anything else that doesn't fit to the above please contact Ms. Lemonia Tsekoura at icmc97@alexandros.csd.auth.gr
Last updated on September 29, 1997
Maintained by Alex Bakalakos alex@auth.gr