CNUCE was founded in 1965 as Computing Center for the University of Pisa; The CNUCE Institute was later attached to the National Council of Research (C.N.R.) of Italy and with the label CNUCE/C.N.R. at the moment has a staff of more than 120 active in the departments and laboratories of logic programming, computer network, satellite flight control, data bases, parallel computing, structural engineering, remote sensing, computer graphics and computer music.

The activities at the Computer Music Lab mainly consist of Applied Research, Education, Production. Interaction is the keyword that characterises the activity of the Lab. Infrared beams and video captured image processing technologies have been taken into consideration in order to design and carry out original gesture interfaces for remote sensing (i.e. without mechanical and/or electrical links) moving objects handled by performers or direct gesture of the human body . Many interactive multimedia operas have been produced and presented in various important events at national and iternational levels.

Orizzonte degli eventi, Concert 1
Talk on the "Wireless" technologies from CNUCE, Interactive Technologies Day

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