/* *****************************************************************************
Web File Viewer is under GPL licence.
By Julien MOREAU
This is PHP (3 or 4 actually) => see http://www.php.net/
See http://web-file-viewer.sourceforge.net/ for details.
Data you can adapt: */
$max_col_number=4; # Maximum number of columns in the table
// Icon path directory:
// Colors:
$Color=Array("text" => "#000000", "bgcolor" => "#FFFFFF",
"link" => "#000000", "vlink" => "#000000", "alink" => "#000000",
"shift" => "#80BBFF", "box" => "White", "highlight" => "#FF0000",
"em" => "#504050", "low" => "#D0D0D0");
$max_width=160; # Maximum width for thumbnails (in pixels)
$max_height=160; # Maximum height for thumbnails (in pixels)
$max_x2display=2600; # Maximum image width to display (in pixels)
$max_size2display=1000; # Maximum file size to display (in kBytes)
$min_height2target=350; # Minimum height for pictures to set a anchor
# Filenames filters (case insensitive regular expresions to exclude):
$filter=Array("^\.", "\.ico$", "css$", "index\.*", "CVS");
$confile=".wfvrc.php"; # Specific directory configuration file (optional)
$globconf=".wfvgrc.php"; # Global configuration filename
$global_intro=".global-intro.html"; # Introduction HTML file
$dir_intro=".dir-intro.html"; # Introduction HTML file
$thumbdir=".thumbs"; # Thumbnails directory
#$refresh_delay=60; # Number of seconds to wait before refresh
// ****** End of what users can change (use configuration files as well) *******
$DEBUG=($SERVER_NAME=="bigpix.localdomain"); # Debug mode
# Constants for HTML <-> texte translations:
if (function_exists('get_html_translation_table')) {
# Because it is not in PHP3:
function inArray ($x, $arr) {
for ($i=0; $i<$L; $i++)
if ($arr[$i]==$x) return true;
return false;
# For a better presentation of errors:
function error ($msg) {
echo "$msg\n\tPlease, go back.
#echo "