people doing strange things with electricity...

... a monthly meeting of artists (sound/image/movement/whatever), designers, engineers, students, scientists, and other interested parties from the Tacoma area who are involved in the creative use of electricity - electronic art (in the broadest sense of the word).

dorkbot meetings are free and open to the public


Join the Tacoma announce list to get meeting announcements emailed dorkbottac-announce


Meetings are on the third Tuesday of every month

Meetings are at:
Tacoma School of the Arts' Club SOTA
1117 Broadway, Tacoma
(with an exception in May)

From 7:00PM to 10:00PM
(doors open at 6:30)
Past and future meetings...
#4 Dorkbot Tacoma #4
(June 19, 2007)

#3 Dorkbot Tacoma #3
(April 24, 2007)

#2 Dorkbot Tacoma #2
(March 20, 2007)

#1 Dorkbot Tacoma #1
(February 20, 2007)

Other dorkbots 
(dorkbot is global)

#4 Dorkbot Tacoma #4
Dorkbot Tacoma's fourth meeting!
April 24, at Tacoma School of the Arts'
Club SOTA, 1117 Broadway, 7:00 PM

Bill Beaty - Weird Science Salon Founder and mad professor emeritus William J. Beaty has been goading Seattle’s science hobbyists into action – and leading them from the front – since 1984: that’s twenty years of bangs and whimpers. Bill returns to demonstrate his Crooke's cathode ray tube, and knowing Bill, other possible surprises as well.

Informal Open Dork - One of our speakers didn't make it tonight but Tacoma dorkbotters rose to the occasion, circled our chairs and talked about things dork. Julie talked about her upcoming fashion show at urbanXchange - looking for tech effects, Eric brought an electrically shrunken quarter, Doug showed his silver medal from Robothon.


Join the Tacoma blabber list to communicate with other Tacoma 'dorks'


The purpose of dorkbot is to:

give artists/programmers/engineers an opportunity for informal peer review
establish a forum for the presentation of new art works, technology, software, hardware
help establish relationships and foster collaboration between people with various backgrounds and interests
give us all a chance to see the cool things that our neighbors are working on


If you want to speak at a dorkbot meeting please contact us. We'd love to hear from you.
Contact dorkbot Tacoma


dorkbot in the news