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Video from James Young:
FREE ADMISSION But donations ($5-$20) to our hosts would be very much appreciated.
![]() Swearhouse 1660 Jerrold Ave San Francisco, CA |
Micah Elizabeth Scott - Inside the Ecstatic EpiphanyEcstatic Epiphany is a human-scale window into an imaginary space, a site-specific work of LED light art which opened on May 31st at 80 Turk, the future home of CounterPULSE in the Tenderloin. Micah will be going deep into what makes this installation tick, explaining the technical challenges and techniques behind the art without losing sight of the human ones.Micah Elizabeth Scott has been doing unconventional things with technology for her whole life, often exploring the boundaries between hardware and software. She's built satellites, robots, virtual machines, graphics drivers, CPU emulators, networking stacks, USB controllers, reverse engineering tools, and pretty much everything in between. Recently she's been exploring the interactions between technology and art. Her current work explores light, perception, and human interconnectedness. Her interests include interactive sculpture, control loops, emergent behavior, unconventional human interfaces, therapeutic art, abstract impressionism, and using technology to help illuminate what makes us human. Based in San Francisco. |
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William Jarrold - Computational Rumination: Random Contemplations of an Artificial IntelligenceMeet Cyc, arguably world's biggest, most richly axiomatized and controversial AI. Observe its "thought process" as it contemplates random questions. What happens when we just let it loose?Bill has studied cognitive science at MIT, worked on the Cyc AI System for 10 years, got a PhD in Counseling Psychology at UT Austin, did some virtual reality work at UC Davis and worked as a computer scientist doing ontology and machine learning at the SRI AI lab and Nuance Communications.
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Rich Mortimer Humphrey - The Omphaloskepsiscope, and Internet Enabled Underwear That Might Just Save the World!Richard Mortimer Humphrey, Inventor, Technologist, Ne'er do well, and former CTO of Ace Junkyard. He is also a working artist, teacher, and self proclaimed expert on obsolete and discarded technology. He has collaborated on large-scale art projects with groups such as Future Farmers and Flaming Lotus Girls, as well as numerous individual artists on work exhibited at Zeum, SFMOMA, and other venues around the bay area and the world. His unique robot sculptures have been featured at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and Maker Faire. He has led art and technology workshops at Stanford University and San Francisco Art Institute and has taught classes at The Crucible in Oakland, CA. He is currently the Technology Art consultant to the City of San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs
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Neal Strickberger - Battlefield Illuminators, Billions of Candlepower, Hundreds of Amps, Now What?Billions of candlepower, visible for miles, for art. Start with a collection of AN/TVS-3 military battlefield illuminators circa 1968, used by NASA to light the Apollo and Space Shuttle launches: 1.2 billion candlepower, 24" water-cooled Xenon short-arc bulbs - 465A at 43V, 45kV start pulse, 30" reflectors, 400Hz 208VAC 3phase power, not a transistor in sight. Procure military diesel generators. Formulate custom dielectric coolant.Find cool people to help. Add servo operation with razor scooter motors, PID controllers, and a Raspberry Pi running an OSC server. Control really big beams from a tablet or phone. Next step is to connect a Wiimote for direct motion control, think amplified light sabers. And other crazy ideas. Neal Strickberger has been hacking hardware and software projects from an early age, has a fascination with bright lights, enjoys an element of danger, and clearly doesn't always exercise adequate self-control in the face of "opportunity".
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If you would like to give a presentation in the future or host a dorkbotSF meeting, please contact Karen Marcelo at dorkbotsf [at] dorkbot [dot] org
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