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Joel Slayton - C5 Quest for Success and other stuff including ZeroOne San JoseThe C5 Quest for Success is an invited project for ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge. Quest for Success is curatorial selection as urban game, testing competitors. analysis, management, and cooperative decision making skills -traits needed for success in Silicon Valley. The grand prize is a residency at the Montalvo Arts Center co-sponsored with C5 and a Silicon Valley corporate partner - a great opportunity for the right player with the right project pitch. Contestants navigate the streets of San Jose exploring GPS controlled narratives in an attempt to locate the C5 Corporate Limo. Once there, you just might have the opportunity to pitch your proposal to a panel of distinguished experts. A single winner from each evening's competition then advances to the final round on Saturday, August 12th. Three finalists representing TALK, DEMO, PERFORM 'present' their pitch live on-stage to an audience of thousands during the ZeroOne San Jose culminating celebration.
ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge. ZeroOne San Jose is a milestone festival to be held biennially that makes accessible the work of the most innovative contemporary artists in the world. ZeroOne San Jose will take place for the first time in conjunction with the ISEA2006 Symposium in San Jose, California, from Saturday, August 7, 2006 . Sunday, August 13, 2006.
Oron Catts - From Semi-Living to the Biological Art Lab - on The Tissue Culture & Art Project and SymbioticAOron's talk covers the work of The Tissue Culture & Art project (TC&A) that began in 1996 as an R&D project into the use of tissue technologies as a medium for artistic expression. Some of TC&A's projects include the Pig Wings, Semi-living Worry Dolls, Disembodied Cuisine (the first time that tissue engineered meat have been grown and eaten), victimless Leather and Extra Ear 1/4 Scale (in collaboration with Stelarc). The talk will also present SymbioticA, A unique laboratory dedicated to the research and critic of the life sciences form an artistic perspective, located at the School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia.
Oron will also present his ISEA paper (co-authored with Ionat Zurr) Towards A New Class of Being - The Extended Body. He will also run a workshop as part of the Wetware Hackers workshop as well as present his collaborative project with Bioteknica - BIOTEKNICA LABORATORY REMIX
Eric Paulos - Interactive CityAs our megalopolis expands, fragments, and warps, we look towards governments, industry, world leaders, and pop stars to guide the way. The party rhetoric echoes a future vision filled with beautiful, delicious urban technologies that will sooth the souls of our communities, generate playful neo-geo-landscapes, and celebrate our omni-connected harmony? But what do we truly aspire, desire, and admire? Emerge from the labs, galleries, homes, offices, and suburbs. Break free and engage in the first open forum Interactive City Summit to be held 7-8 Aug in San Francisco. The talk will feature a quick highlight of some recent projects by Urban Atmospheres with an emphasis on the upcoming ruckus to occur on the streets of San Francisco and San Jose around ISEA2006 and the Interactive City Summit.
Presenter BiosMail Karen Marcelo if you want to dork openly (5-10 min) Many thanks to BOCA for hosting this month's dorkbot.
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