dorkbotsf :  dorkbotSF #16


People doing strange things with electricity

Images from Rich Gibson

7:30pm Wednesday
15 December 2004

The Crucible
1260 7th St
Oakland, CA

Free Admission but donations to our hosts very much appreciated!
Potluck! Bring food (that can be eaten standing up no utensils or bring your own) to share! There will also be $3 drinks from Pete (Uptown bartender extraordinaire in a past life) and Kathalina

The Crucible


Gary Goddard - The Paradox of Engineering Art

Gary Goddard has taught both a class on electronics for artists and a mechanical kinetic sculpture class for The Crucible and UC Extension for the last four years. The majority of his students are either artists seeking engineering and technical knowledge in order to realize their projects or engineers lookng to expand their creative horizons. He will speak about the inherent contradictions in teaching artists engineering and engineers art, and propose some methods to overcome these problems.

Bruce Cannon - Trends in Electronic, Robotic, Interactive and Kinetic Art and the Crucible's Emerging Curriculum

Bruce Cannon is a Bay Area artist who makes interactive, time-based and robotic sculpture. He will bring some of his works to play with, field technical questions about them and discuss the Crucible's growing electronics and robotics curriculum.

Christopher Palmer - Recent Works, Automata and Other Stuff

Christopher Palmer (CTP) is a kinetic sculptor, kinetics and electronics faculty member at The Crucible, engineer for other artists' work and publisher of For the past several years he has spent a majority of his creative time working on other peoples' art, teaching them how to go about realizing their creative visions. He will discuss his own kinetic, electronic, and electromechanic work as well as the projects of some of his current clients, while exploring the recent renewed local interest in automata.

Jeremey Lutes - Self-organization and Emergent Behavior in Distributed Systems or If Mother Nature Does It, It Must Be Good

What do self-organizing systems, flashing lights, emergent behavior, dancing girls and embedded systems have in common? Jeremy Lutes, creator of the Lily Pond (Burning Man 2002), will try to weave all these subjects together when he talks about art, technology, and things that go blink in the night.

Many thanks to Michael Sturtz for hosting and curating this month's dorkbot.

If you would like to speak at a future dorkbotsf, please contact Karen Marcelo

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