ARTIST: Toby Paddock & Jon Krug
TITLE: Neon Frequency Divider

MATERIALS: Neon bulbs, resistors, capacitors, wire. Nothing that could not have been sourced in 1907.
DIMENSIONS: 8" x 8" x 18"
DATE: 2007
DESCRIPTION: This project uses 100 year old technology to perform what is normally thought of as a modern function: to blink lights in a binary sequence. Neon gas is the only active circuit element. No circuit boards, transistors, computers, or software.
STATEMENT: Toby and Jon are active Dorkbot-sea members. They last collaborated for "People Doing Strange Things with Electricity II" on their piece "4x4x4 Little Neon Blink-O-Grid".
Toby Paddock
Everett, WA
toby AT