people doing strange things with electricity
RFID - Identity That Gets Under your Skin
Wednesday, March 1st, 2006 at 7.00pm
Center on Contemporary
Art, Seattle, WA
curated by MIKE WOROBEC
Admission: Free, all ages and species
MCCARTHY: The Practicalities, Peril and Promise of RFID
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology
enables an ever increasing range of objects to be automatically
identified. This talk will provide a brief overview of how
RFID technology works, followed by a whirlwind tour of a
number of applications of the technology, with varying degrees
of utility, risk and appeal.
will also be demonstrating our "proactive display"
application, which links RFID tags to online profiles and
shows elements of those profiles on large computer displays
when their RFID-tag-wearing owners are detected nearby,
creating new opportunities for interactions and connections
among people in a shared space ... like a Dorkbot meeting.
Anyone interested in sharing something about themselves
on a display at the March meeting is encouraged to create
a profile.
Joe McCarthy is the Founder and Connector-in-Chief of Interrelativity,
Inc., whose mission is to use technology to help people
relate to one another in shared physical spaces. Prior to
founding Interrelativity, Joe's career included roles as
a researcher at Intel and Accenture, a professor at University
of Hartford, an independent consultant, and lead guitarist
of the band Freeway Jam. More information about Joe and
his work can be found on the Interrelativity
web site and Joe's weblog.
RFID has been around a long time. Only recently has it gained
popularity with hobbyists and gadetiers, making its way
into their home brew projects and even under their own skins.
This presentation will showcase a couple home-built RFID
based projects (building instructions for which can be found
in the RFID Toys book. www.rfidtoys.net). I will also speak
about implantable RFID tags, the implantation process, physical
risks involved, and the privacy and security concerns that
revolve around RFID.
Bio | Images
| rfidtoys.net
| Injector
and Tag | Implant
Director): RFID and Privacy
is the subject of growing debate about its societal effects.
Proponents claim vast efficiencies and cost savings, and
opponents claim massive privacy invasions. Both sides tend
to lump all RFID applications together, without making distinctions
between them. This presentation will attempt to explore
some of the nuances, focusing on circumstances under which
RFID poses a true threat to privacy, and suggesting some
possible ways to minimize those threats.
Klunder is the Privacy Project Director at the American
Civil Liberties Union of Washington. His original
training is in Computer Science; he spent over 10 years
in software development at Microsoft, where he was the lead
developer for the first versions of Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft Money. More recently, he became a lawyer. He now
combines his technology and legal backgrounds in work on
privacy issues for the ACLU. He concentrates on informational
privacy (e.g., public records, data mining, medical privacy)
and technological threats to privacy (e.g., biometrics and
surveillance). Work includes legislative analysis, litigation,
and public education.
want you! Yes, you!!! If you have a project – any
project, at any stage of completeness, an idea – any
idea, at any stage of bakedness, an artwork – any
kind of artwork at any stage of doneness, please do bring
it along to the dorkbot meeting and claim your 10 minutes
worth of fame after the presenters. And of course, if you
have an RFID-related anything – any kind of RFID anything
– then bring it along and show us all!