Mechanical Movie Night!
Wednesday, January 5th, 2005 at 7.30 pm
Center on Contemporary
Art, Seattle, WA
Peter Fischli and David Weiss, “The Way
Things Go”: Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David
Weiss have collaborated on kinetic installations since 1979,
and their work demonstrates a deep interest in the mechanisms
that animate the universe of objects. They remove these
things from their usual contexts and then restructure their
relationships to one another. This famous short film records
the self-destructing performance of their most ambitious
construction: 100 feet of physical interactions, chemical
reactions and precisely crafted chaos worthy of Rube Goldberg
or Alfred Hitchcock. 1987, 30 mins; for
more information.
Arthur Ganson, “Arthur Ganson Presents A
Few Machines Created Between 1978 and 2004”: renowned
kinetic sculptor and ongoing artist-in-residence at M.I.T.,
Arthur Ganson, builds “machines that transcend their
“machineness”. They do nothing, but work extraordinarily
well, particularly at making people laugh” (Smithsonian
Magazine). This DVD documents 36 machines in action (close
up and as a whole), an animation machine sequence, a sequence
showing how Ganson’s wire gears are bent and soldered
and some scrolling text thoughts about the machines and
the process. 1978-2004, 70 mins
for more information.
Bill Beaty brings along the Worlds Cheapest Tesla
Coil Art Device: one glow-element of Pond Machine III, the
work he will be showing at the People Doing Strange Things
With Electricity II exhibition.
As for the rest of ye… have an announcement? A project
to tell us about? A request? Need collaborators? Materials?
Advice? Simply come and find Kate at the dorkbot meeting
and we’ll allocate you an open dork spot.
Josh Herrala: Josh Herrala is the artist and
DJ behind Deluxe Curl Records (,
a minimal techno/micro-house label based in Seattle.
Coming up in the Detroit area, he began DJing in the
early 1990s during the 'Third Wave' of the Techno
revolution. By day he is a mild mannered network engineer
who works for a local training company. On the first
Wednesday of every month, he spins up a storm for
dorkbot-sea. Building OOPic based robots is his primary