Welcome to DorkbotPhiladelphia

This site is intended to be a forum for people in and around Philadelphia who are interested in electrical technology and the arts.
If you are interested in using electrical technology as a means or a medium please subscribe to one or both of our list serves:

For announcements, exhibits, events, opportunities, etc…

For technical questions, criticisms, calls for collaboration, reviews, and rants:

Dorkbot chapters in other cities have meetings, lectures, exhibitions, competitions, etc..
I’ll be happy if this site just works as a virtual means of exchanging information, sharing ideas,
and generating interest in electrical technology as an aesthetic medium.
Please sign up, we’ll see how much interest there is, and go from there.

It seems the guys over at MakePhilly have been doing alot of the same stuff that DorkBot seeks to do.
I strongly recommend subscribing to their email list and attending one of the Make meetings if you can.


Edwin Armstrong                                                      A Jacobs Ladder

Some Circuitry
