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JULY 2004


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Hello fellow dorkbotters our first meeting is coming up soon, July 24 7:00pm at Fullsail. Since this is our first meeting, it is going to be a learning experience for us and you. We will go over a few administrative details, talk about what dorkbot is, show our website and online forum community, discuss meeting times and locations, and get some feedback from you concerning speakers and content. After that we will have a few presentations and open discussion time.


Sam Horton
Sam will be talking about midi ,webcams, audio, and different methods of data input.

Douglas McDonald
Doug will be talking about the scribbler and BEAM robotics.

If you would like to present at a meeting or have general questions please use the forum or email us at



Sam Horton presented an audio-visual feedback system which used a combination of midi, video, audio, and 3D graphics. The setup allowed users to interact with a midi controller keyboard which controlled elements of a visual display on the big screen. Three dimensional shapes and patterns changed according to various parameters such as key pressure, note changes, and pitch/mod wheel adjustments. In addition to the midi feedback, microphones were also placed around the setup and used to capture live audio signals to incorporate in the show as well. Sam demonstrated this by busting out his dope beatboxing skillz (or lack thereof). The program used the frequency and volume of the incoming audio to affect parameters such as scale and color, and when mixed with the midi input really gave the musician a high degree of control over the visual presentation. Lastly was the real time video element. A DV camera was set up facing the audience and when certain keys were pressed, live video was mixed with the 3D environment. Due to last minute technical difficulties however, some of the video portions of both presentations had to be scrapped. No worries though, all was pulled together after some live debugging, and in the end and everyone had a great time presenting!


Douglas McDonald presented the Scribbler and BEAM robotics. The Scribbler is a comuter sketch/doodle/scribbling program. Douglas has been working with Ze Frank (, on the scribbler, and it has branched out into many different versions. These versions included interactive web, live video, slideshow, robotic, and video rendering Scribblers. After the Scribbler Douglas went over BEAM robotics. Three small robots were shown along with resources for building your own bots.


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