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people doing strange things with electricity

the two hundred eleven thousandth dorkbot-nyc meeting was held on 05.feb.2003 at the Columbia University Computer Music Center.

it featured the lovely and talented:

Eric Asher presented "SoundLab," an in-progress sound art project.
Maxillofacial Prosthetic Center

Alex Galloway presented "Low Level All-Stars," a DVD and website project documenting intros from old Commodore 64 games.

Jesse Lackey discussed and demonstrated Electroluminescent Wire ("EL Wire"), a novel type of "wire" that glows when AC is applied. Cool to the touch, flexible, available in several colors, and battery-powerable, it is a staple of Burning Man but not often seen on the East coast. Wire of various colors, drivers to power it, and a homebrew MIDI sequencer board was available for hands-on audience experimentation.

some images from the meeting are here.

the next dorkbotnyc meeting is on wednesday, march 5th, 2003.

all materials on this website copyright 2000-2014 douglas irving repetto and the individual artists