The (2^(30402457) - 1)th dorkbot-nyc meeting took place on Wednesday, October 4th, 2006, at 7pm at Location One in SoHo.
It featured the fragrant and marvellous:
The CFR is a device based on ESP research performed at Princeton University. It is designed so the owner can have a personal experience of the psychic forces that Princeton claims to exist. The CFR responds changes in "consciousness fields." Disturbances in these fields are detectable when many people have their mind on the same subject. Events such as Princess Diana's Funeral and 9/11 have created measurable effects in Princeton's equipment - similar events should produce a dramatic response in the CFR. This project is my attempt to create an object that engenders a highly emotional relationship with its owner. Kim: naked city spleen
Naked City Spleen is a multi-media project in progress currently focused on a photography series. The title takes inspiration from the nickname of New York City (Naked City) and poetry of Baudelaire (Paris Spleen). The images portray various urban ruins, such as abandoned subway stations, tunnels, aquaducts, catacombs, factories, hospitals, and shipyards, and incorporate a human body form inhabiting these spaces. There is a performance aspect to the project that blurs the conventional notions of photographer and model, since the artist does both, setting up the camera on tripod and self-timer after searching and infiltrating these man-made structures forgotten or ignored by most. There will also be sound clips from the featured spaces recorded and arranged by Ken White, and they are part of ongoing collaboration efforts for installation work.
Noah Vawter: Ambient Addition
Ambient Addition is a Walkman with binaural microphones. A tiny Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chip analyzes the microphone's sound and superimposes a layer of harmony and rhythm on top of the listener's world. In the new context, some surprising behaviors take place. Listeners tend to play with objects around them, sing to themselves, and wander toward tempting sound sources. With Ambient Addition, I'm hoping to make people think twice about the sounds they initiate as well as loosen up some inhibitions.