people doing strange things with electricity

.:::: dorkbot Cardiff #15 • 11th December 2013

A pre-Christmas session with a complex interactive installation, digitally altered films shot in Cardiff, a giant watching eye and a bike-powered Rudolf reindeer.

Line up:

jarkman's giant eye


Jarkman is back with his latest invention, the Giant Staring Eye:
"Many machines watch the people around them, one way or another. When the Giant Staring Eye watches you, you know you're being watched. It's a simple but sizeable robot, built to explore that sensation."

block films Block Films

In 2012 two friends, in the final year of their degree at the Welsh School of Architecture, decided they wanted to capture the places that had formed their experience of Cardiff, in a way that would show familiar places from new perspectives. 9 months and 10000 stills later they completed their debut film DIFF.

They will talk about how their background in architectural design has informed their approach to film-making and ideas of place, people and space, and will discuss the techniques used on two of their projects so far - DIFF and Rooms - that allowed them to explore these ideas.

xmas bike

Carolyn Ryves

Carolyn from Pedal cafe will bring along a Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer stationary bike which powers a Christmas Tree and is keen for people to try it out.


Myles Leadbeatter

Myles, who is part of ActuatedLab! will be talking about his past exhibition Columns. In which he constructed a dynamic mechanical environment that was shaped by the people whom it inhabited. He will also talk about the various technical challenges faced with Columns and briefly about his work with CNC machines.

Open dorks

Bring your ideas/demos and have 5mn of sparky public dork time.