dorkbot Cardiff #12 • 21st February 2013

Full line-up:
Jason Bennett BSc (Hons) Music Production and Technology
Having tinkered with electronics and building his first radio from a kit at the age of 7 years old, Jason has always been taking things a part to see how they work.
Combining his love for music, Djing in many a nightclub environment, whilst throwing in a twist of creative flair inspired him to build a 10 band physical spectrum analyser as part of a technical project for his final year at university.
Combining art and music into a mesmerizing display you can engage with for hours.
James Reichelt (aka Alone)is a musician, gamer, soldering novice and lo-fi enthusiast. Alone takes retro games consoles, delay pedals, guitar, open source synths and drum machines and "paints a post-something slice of hazy danceable sounds pulled from late night memories of virtual adventures.
Julian Sykes and Alison John have been creating pervasive games through thinkARK for over three years and run an annual games festival called playARK. More recently they have set up a company called yello brick with co-founder Natalie Clements.
Their aim is to create immersive gaming experiences that will challenge our perceptions of everyday surroundings, create social engagement and create experiences that utilise digital, theatrical and art based forms.
Ché Wilbraham (aka Mighty ChéBo)
Games are Ché's life. Games of all kinds. He believes that they are the most powerful form of illustration and storytelling. Unfortunately, he also sees a lot of wasted potential in the various games markets. He wishes to uncover the true power and potential of his favourite media and, more importantly, share that with the world.
The Cursed Caves was the result of the final project of Ché's Illustration degree. It is a game that raises questions about games. He hopes it will make people consider the games that they engage with more seriously. But if not, it's still fun to play the Hero and thwart the Evil Wizard!
Open dorks
We had a mid size lab robotic
arm to pin the tail on the donkey.