dorkbot Cardiff #11 • 6th December 2012

Full line-up:
Nick Lambert, Computer Arts Society
Although digital art is considered to be a recent phenomenon, it has its roots in the 1960s with Art and Technology and Cybernetics.
Dr Nick Lambert, Chairman of the Computer Arts Society, presented briefly the Society and its work over the past decades, followed by a history of cine/video projection on domes, and a demo with a bespoke dome and mirror.
Stefhan Caddick
Stefhan Caddick is an artist who works at the border. He is often to be found dragging things from the darkness into the light and back again. His work is at times blackly comedic and at others quietly ridiculous. He is interested in the savagery of the natural world, misremembered episodes from political history, the 3 minute single and not knowing the way.
Stefhan presented examples of recent work with a dork element, and demo-ed a water-wheel-powered led panel that spelled "NO FUTURE". |
Fab Lab Cardiff
Olivia Kotsifa kept us posted on the progress of the Cardiff Fab Lab project, coming soon on the campus of the Cardiff School of Art and Design.
Open dorks
Paul Waterfield from Techniquest demonstrated his first Raspberry Pi contraption: a blue Smarties sorting rotary device using video vision.