dorkbot Cardiff #6 • 26th January 2012

dorkbot Cardiff #6 took place on January 26th 2012 at Milgi's garage
Line up:
Nic Finch
Nic is a Graphic designer at Burningred studios by day and provides live visuals for electronic artist Zwolf and improve band 'Things Make Electric' by night. He gave a presention on his VJ work to date.
Rhys Philips
Rhys Phillips is a Research Engineer for EADS where he works in a group looking at methods of protecting aircraft against lightning strikes. He is also a keen science communicator, presenting a science magazine programme, Pythagoras' Trousers, on Radio Cardiff. He has launched a science variety night which features the science of rock music, rap music, magic, escapology, lightning, astronomy, chemistry, comedy and extreme sports and has been given funding to do a mini UK tour.
Matt Cook
Just returned from Honk Kong, sound and visual artist Matt Cook played sounds recorded during his trip on his home made 8 channel sound system. |
10 Things I Learnt…
dorkbot Cardiff attendees are invited to the following event:
’10 Things I Learnt…’ is an event aimed at business leaders, creative technologists, engineers and designers. Four sectors whose paths don’t normally cross. The event is on the surface a speaker event with 8 speakers who will give a 15/20 minute talk or demonstration around: business strategy, design and/or technology development. The set-up is designed to encourage unusual connections. |
Len Massey
Len Massey is an artist, image-maker, filmmaker, with a background in experimental music and performance. His research interests are in all things invisible including metaphysical aspects of the electrographic image (an obscured form of imaging using electricity which is sometime used as a diagnostic system).
Len is the Drawing tutor at the RCA where he runs the Drawing Studio and arranges the college wide drawing provision.
Len talked about his work with electrography, performance and our relationship with electricity. |
Open dorks
Ben Havell gave us an update on the activities of Hackspace Cardiff. They are up and running, meeting every tuesday evening.