people doing strange things with electricity
dorkbot Cardiff #3 - 14th July 2011

Jon Pigott
Sound artist Jon Pigott describes his practice as follows: "An initial focus on the loudspeaker has become a locus for my practice and research, which I describe in broad terms as electro mechanical sonic art. I have prepared, broken and torn loudspeaker cones, vibrated objects with electromagnetic fields, hand wound coils and created oscillators that exist on the boundary between the physical and electrical".
Garrett Lynch
Garrett Lynch's work deals with networks (in their most open sense) within an artistic context; the spaces between artist, artworks and audience as a means, site and context for artistic initiation, creation and discourse. For Dorkbot Cardiff the artist will present ongoing work dealing with identity, representation, place and uses the virtual world of Second Life® as its initial staging point.
Work shown will focus particularly on mixed reality performance, installation and methods used to create a deeper sense of immersion and cross presence between 'virtual' and 'real' spaces.
Ratatosk aka Rhodri Viney
Ratatosk is originally a mischievous squirrel from Norse mythology, but in this context is some guy called Rhodri Viney.
The music of Ratatosk can be summed up in two words – miserablism and
He has previously performed and released music under the names Teflon Monkey and Broken
Leaf, along with being a major player in bands such as Right Hand Left
Hand and Vito. He has also played live and on record with Gorky's
Zygotic Mynci, Sophia, Brave Captain, Sweet Baboo, H. Hawkline and
many others.
Ratatosk will perform live at dorkbot Cardiff #3. |
Alan Cocks
Open source activist Alan Cocks will talk from a remote location about disseminating the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution.
John Honniball - Pen Plotter
The flat-bed pen plotter is an obsolete technology for
producing graphical output, in colour, from a computer
onto paper. Many plotters have been scrapped, but some
are alive and well in the hands of enthusiasts who keep
them running and explore new uses for them. John will
demonstrate his 1987 plotter running on 2011 software. |
Open dorks
Richard Sewell jumped in the open dork slot and presented his brand new chipKit Uno 32 bits, a sort of Arduino on steroids. |