Wendy Keaybright - Reactickles
Wendy is the instigator of the Reactickles project, a package of software solutions aimed at young children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions. The project is based on technology environments that enable children to play and explore without fear of failure.
Wendy and collaborator Joel Gethin Lewis' Co-Creating Tools for Touch project recently won the Include 2011 Awards: Best Inclusive Design Innovation.
http://reactickles.org/page/welcome-reacticklesorg |
Richard Sewell aka Jarkman
Advanced DIY tinkerer from Wales will talk about home-made cnc machines and other domestic hacks. He will demo his Sketchy drawing machine.
Paul Granjon
Cardiff-based electronic artist, Paul very recently started using a Makerbot Thing-O-Matic 3D printer. During the course of the evening he will print parts for a small robot that could be running by the end of the meeting if all goes well.
http://www.zprod.org |
Patrick Hurst and James Boardman
UWIC Fine-Art students Patrick and James will bring prototypes of work developed for their forthcoming degree exhibition. Pat works with gyroscopes, James with interactive environments.
http://jamesboardman87.blogspot.com |
Chris Henden
Occasional digital construction worker Chris Henden will discuss the engaging problems that can arise when you try and make a huge pile of spinning cogs.
http://www.oddnumber.co.uk |
Open dorks
John Honniball from dorkbot Bristol showed his nintendo DS touch screen interface Arduino hack, controlling an RGB led. |