dorkbot ABQ



The Factory on 5th
1715 5th Street NW, 87102 (map)

Who Presented:

Christian Ristow: The Hand Of Man is an enormous (25 feet long) human right hand and forearm, hydraulically actuated, and made of steel. It is controllable from an ergonomically accurate "glove" controller which ANYONE can stick their right hand into. Anything this lucky person does with their flesh-and-blood hand will be accurately and quickly reproduced (but with thousands of times the amount of force) by the giant hand.
Killbox will be presenting on "The technological, and social networking side of Urban Exploring" -- How the field of Urban Exploring has grown, how people find each other, and finding interesting historically unique bits of urban archeology. Various forms of electronic non-intrusive exploring will be covered, along with opening the doors for safer/more legal exploring.
A local URBEX community started by Killbox:

Joe M Kniss: Presents image hacking at its best. Using multiple images to extracts light, shadows and reflections to into fields he manipulates an image way beyond normal Photoshop enhancement.