RTcmix review
Actually, this was presented in week3 -- I had a bad cold to start
the year (blearg!) and had to cancel class. Putting it here just to
keep things nicely separated.
We went over some aspects of RTcmix that will figure prominently in the
coming classes, plus covered a few things that didn't get presented
last semester.
- uRTcmix main page
-- Yeah I know I have links to this all over the place in these
class web pages, but what the heck -- it's handy! Grab the
"uRTcmix.unitypackage" and "scoralyzer" program here!
Class Downloads
- G6611-week2-maxpatches.zip
-- the max patches with the audio we used in the Unity projects
- G6611-week2-RTcmix-scorefiles.zip
-- the RTcmix scorefiles alone from those max patches
Unity projects:
- bouncing-ball.zip
-- the 'bouncing ball' with the speed of a MMODALBAR marimba sequence
set by a $1 variable
- pulsing-ball1.zip
-- the exapnding/contracting sphere with a filter on low drones tracking
the expansion/contraction. This version uses two separate scripts and
the rtinput("AUDIO") feature
- pulsing-ball2.zip
-- this uses bus_config() to get the sound from the drones to the
filter in a single RTcmix script
- computer-sounds1.zip
-- shows how to create a continuous background ambience using
a fadein/fadeout approach
- computer-sounds2.zip
-- adds some random beeps, and shows how to call rtinput() for
soundfiles in the Unity Assets app directory, and how to stash
them as strings for use in the sample-computing loop.
- computer-sounds3.zip
-- uses the RTcmix MAXMESSAGE() instrument to trigger the random beeps