scene changes, sound-crafting (RTcmix)

This is the first of the 'on-line' weeks for this class. Yes, it's the CORONAVIRUS! Aaaaugh!

Here's what we'd like to do. Below in the "Links" section will be links to videos that we've made covering the kinds of things we normally show in the class. They'll be long and boring but hopefully they'll demonstrate some useful techniques and tips. To be sure, several of the vids below are too long. I'll try to be a bit more concise in the future.

WARNING: I'm not planning to edit these very much, so they'll contain a number of errors, redundancies, etc. Just like a Real Live Class! As with the class, the projects that we do in the videos will be linked below in the "Class Downloads" section for you to grab.

THEN we'll plan to have a zoom session during our regular class meeting time (i.e. 6:10 PM EDT on Tuesdays) to answer any questions or expand parts of what we did in the videos. It's a brave and bold new world. We'll see how it goes.


Class Downloads