interactive devices 2

with SPECIAL GUESTS Luke Dubois and Ryan Carter!

This week we looked at some more advanced controllers to influence our musical processes. In at least a few cases, the process being captured by the interface/controller itself was interesting, so connecting one complex process to another might yield AMAZING and ASTOUNDING results. It's all up to you...

We started with my quick demo of the EEG/Brainwave controller I use with Dave Sulzer/Soldier (see links below). I then showed some older camera-tracking techniques. Just for fun we tried connecting the EEG headset to a plugin in Logic using the "from MaxMSP"/"to MaxMSP" setup in the [ctrlout] object. It sort-of worked. There were some issues with the controller range-mapping. Annoying, but they shouldn't be too difficult to work out.

Then Ryan showed off his fun GameTrak controller. Amazing sounds!

After Ryan, Luke showed us all kinds of fun to be had with a Kinect. He sent me all the software he discussed and showed in class; it's linked below.


Class Downloads

To run Luke's patches (and to use the Kinect in general), you will need to download and install a few other things: