arg! this class didn't work!

video showing [rtcmix~] install

Oh this class did not go well! My apologies! Zoom had blitzed out all the audio settings that Doug Scott and I had done prior to the class, and we were not able to get stereo playback. The problem is now fixed, and we're rescheduling Doug for the class on 10/7. We'll adjust the syllabus accordingly.

When it became apparent that we wouldn't be able to do Doug's presentation, I took some time to show how to install the [rtcmix~] object for Max/MSP on OSX (and talked about how to do it on Windows). We also covered how to circumvent the ANNOYING Apple 'gatekeeper' program for those running Catalina (or later) as their OSX. The video linked above was recorded from that part of the class.

The real fun during the painful process of trying to get things to work was when I lost power at my home on Whidbey Island. Sheesh, what more can happen? Our generator kicked in and I was able to rejoin.
