RTcmix + Unity!
We made some sound! The basics of getting RTcmix to run inside Unity.
Ha ha! I have completed some Actual Documentation for uRTcmmix!
And you all get to be the first to check it out! Ha ha! Here it is:
- uRTcmix Main Page
-- this will be the main docmentation place for uRTcmix.
- uRTcmix Basic Tutorial video 1
-- yes, I made one of those videos.
Class Downloads
- week7-unity-class.zip
-- the Unity projects we did in class with RTcmix audio. "week7.1"
is very basic (but I showed how to rename a Unity project), and
"week7.2" has our volcano with a volcano-sound happening.
- uRTcmix.unitypackage
-- this is the Unity package you will need to instantiate
RTcmix inside Unity. Works for both Windows and OSX.
- volcanosound.maxpat.zip
-- a zip archive of the "volcanosound" Max/MSP patch with the
filtered noise burbliness.
- vtext.txt
-- the score from the "volcanosound" Max/MSP patch as a text file.
We used this to show how to access RTcmix scorefiles as TextAssets
inside Unity.
- scoralyzer.zip
- scoralyzer-windows.zip
-- the wonderful, amazing "scoralyzer" program (OSX and Windows)
used to convert complex RTcmix scores into String variables
that can be used inside a Unity C# script.