Welcome to the Class!
getting off to a good start!
+ download and install
one or more of these:
- RTcmixShell
-- this will run 'standalone' on both Windows and OSX machines.
- [rtcmix~]
-- this is the object that is used with the
software. Get the appropriate (32-bit or 64-bit) version (probably
64-bit) and install it as per the instructions on that page. This
is not a standalone program; you have to have Max/MSP to run
the object.
- RTcmix -- from this main page of
rtcmix.org, you can find the full source for RTcmix and instructions
for installing, compiling and running it from a Terminal window. For
OSX and Linux only right now.
also install:
- Unity
note: this will take you to the main Unity page, and you'll need to click
through a bunch of pages to find the download. They also now use something
called "Unity Hub" for downloading and updating Unity, and I haven't
used it. If you would prefer, go here:
and you can choose which version you want (maybe not the most recent;
wait until they get the bugs out! I'm currently using one of the 2018.2
releases myself). Download the "Installer" and
run it to install Unity. Also, be sure (when asked) to say you
are using the "personal" version for free. The others cost money
and are mainly used if you are developing a product with Unity.
+ You may also need:
(see the
main course page
for additional software links and short explanations.)