RTcmix basics

Introduction to RTcmix, how to install and run it (within Max/MSP as [rtcmix~]), basic discussion of several synth algorithms (Karplus-Strong, wavetable).


One thing I forgot to mention in class: you will see lines like this:
rtsetparams(44100, 2) load("WAVETABLE")
in many of the example RTcmix scores. These are necessary if you are running RTcmix as a "standalone" unix-like application (i.e. typing the "CMIX" command in a Terminal window). For scores run using [rtcmix~], like we do in class, they are not needed. You can include them, but they don't have any functionality.

Also, you may see "makegen()" commands being used in place of "maketable()". This is an older system for creating envelopes, wavetables, etc. It is no longer maintained.

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