Interpretation of Data

Originally this was titled "natural process models/parameter mapping" in the syllabus, and it sort-of still was about this. One of the main points we tried to make throughout the term was how data could be scaled/thinned/modified/altered to 'fit' with musical parameters for synthesis, audio DSP alterations, etc. (this is more generically called 'data transcoding' these days). Instead of using some model of a natural process, which we have more-or-less already done in past class this term, we decided to show two other techniques for generating data. I showed how to build a generic image-interpreter app in Max/MSP that allowed drawn lines and then an imported image to be interpreted as sound. The audio mapping was fairly simple (time along the x-axis, frequency along the y, intensity of resynthesis derived from the RGB pixel values), but it was a nice example of how an interface can be designed to reflect a particular way of thinking about music construction.

Bryan then showed an approach similar in spirit (a particular way of thinking about music construction) but very different in design: a model of a Ligeti's Ètude Nr. 1 "Dèsordre", using it as a model (constructed in OpenMusic) for subsequent compositional manipulation.


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