Electronic Music II: Programming and Electronics for Art & Music

Music G6602
Thursday 3-5pm, Room 313 Prentis Hall
Spring 2011
Professor: Douglas Repetto [douglas at music columbia edu]
TA: Sam Pluta [spluta at gmail com]
Our Motto: "Why and how."
syllabus | schedule

31 March 2010

Electronics: hacking & reuse

Today we will make new from old. You have all, hopefully, brought in some sort of unwanted, less-than-loved electronic whatnot. We'll open those things up, find out what's in them, and explore the ways we can repurpose and/or reuse them and their parts.

Here is some common consumer electro-trash with lots of useful components. In general, the older the equipment, the more useful parts it will have.

Useful elements found in lots of consumer electro-trash: Some advice for fruitful repurposing/reuse: