Electronic Music II: Programming and Electronics for Art & Music

Music G6602
Thursday 3-5pm, Room 313 Prentis Hall
Spring 2011
Professor: Douglas Repetto [douglas at music columbia edu]
TA: Sam Pluta [spluta at gmail com]
Our Motto: "Why and how."
syllabus | schedule

10 March 2011

Electronics: cause and affect

Today we'll look at output devices that are a bit groovier than LEDs.

To get started we'll need to finally cover some of the details of:

BUT! There's a lot more to learn! We're just going to cover the bare essentials. This stuff is really fun and gets more and more interesting the more you learn, so I encourage you to do some additional reading on Ohm's law, voltage, current and resistance, etc.

Then we'll move on to using small Arduino signals to control large loads:

There's a good chance we won't have time to get into all of the different motor types. Check out Motor Mania! and Electronics Workshop for Artists for lots of additional info.

Tom Igoe @ NYU's ITP program has lots of great info on his website. The ITP Physical Computing site is also a good resource.